Ilford HP5+ 400
I have been experimenting with film photography with various film stocks and cameras. One that has stood out to me in the past few months is Ilford HP5+ 400, a black and white film stock that is rich in contrast, grain, and detail. With this stock, I have used my main camera, Pentax KX, normally with a 50mm lens 1.8 and my alternative camera, a Kodak Ultra F9 point-and-shoot. This has been an enriching experience, one where you are constantly learning through trial and error but it is extremely gratifying once you see the results. To develop this Ilford stock, I normally use Ilfosol 3 as the developer, Ilfostop as the stop bath, Ilford's Rapid Fixer and a wetting agent to remove the watermarks on the film by creating a hydrophobic surface.